Together We Can Change The World!

Our homeschool community/family looks to nature as our compass. We believe the wild within greets the wild we experience. In doing so this gives ourselves and our wild one’s support and a place to belong. True freedom cannot exist without being part of a community.

Being “wild” does not mean you need to love the outdoors, the weather or all things nature. What it means is when we look to nature, we then understand who we are and what we bring to the world. As in nature we begin our homeschool journey in the spring. Our intent is to be all inclusive to all ages. Bringing back the concept of the one room schoolhouse for our enrichment class experience. As most of us has have multiple age children our homeschool journey supports this easily. As our children begin to become wiser, they then become the leaders and inspire the younger just as in nature. As the ages interweave, they all grow healthy together. We then complete our journey in the fall with a celebration and potluck. Our winters are full of friends, rest, and rejuvenation. Together we can change the world because we are willing to start at home.

Wild Ones Club Membership $60